55 results for "value of the dollar"

How is the Price of Gold Determined?

Factors that Impact the Price of Gold The Value of the Dollar As the central banks create more money, their currency begins to lose value, while the value of gold rises over the long term. What’s more, gold is seen as a hedge against inflation—so when inflation hits and the value of the dollar drops, […]
A bar of gold sitting on top of a graph.

Is a Precious Metals IRA Right for Me?

Most Americans’ IRA and 401(k) portfolios consist mainly of stocks and bonds. If you’re one of them, you’re probably concerned about how the next market correction could impact your savings. IRAs and 401(k)s experienced a 50% decline in 2008 that took about 4 to 5 years to overcome. With inflation on our hands, time works against us, and many people are close to retirement age and will not have the time to recoup the losses to their nest egg.  Adding physical gold […]
A man looking at the FAQs of Gold Alliance and learning about precious metal investing

The Truth About Inflation

The latest CPI print shows "Bidenflation" is hotter than expected. And Janet Yellen says she regrets calling it "transitory." But your lost purchasing power isn’t...
Americans are experience hotter than expected inflation under Biden.

Analysts Raise Forecasts as Gold Soars to All-Time Highs

As gold soars to multiple record highs, analysts are raising forecasts through the roof. Here’s what’s driving gold’s rally and why investors worldwide need to...
gold price per ounce gold rally 2024

Do You Have Enough Non-Debt Money?

In his recent eye-opening analysis, billionaire investor Ray Dalio reveals the main reason he owns gold, why the world's smartest money is buying tons fast, and the risks of holding only...

The Great Gold Rush of 2024!

In the last 6 weeks, gold has soared to 14 all-time highs. And if analysts are correct, this may be the start of the biggest gold rally in US history with astonishing forecasts of up to...
An image of a gold bull to symbolize how the price of gold has entered a bull run and set many records already in 2024.

Higher for Longer

For the fifth time in a row, the dovish Fed is keeping rates higher for longer. Meanwhile, gold just hit another record high. And when rates finally drop, gold...
An image of Fed chair Jerome Powell for an article about the central bank keeping rates higher for longer

Will Gold’s Record-High Rally Continue?

Gold’s price leapt to a record high of $2,195 per ounce last Friday. Will the rally continue? Here’s what’s behind the big move and why analysts say...

Why Investors Are Watching the Gold-to-Silver Ratio

The most popular investing search term in the United States right now isn’t stocks, real estate, oil or natural gas. It’s gold. And the second-most-popular investment term is...
Here's what the gold-to-silver ratio could say about the next move for the silver price

The Fed’s Dilemma

Servicing the nation’s debt problem is growing more difficult if not impossible. And the US Government Accountability Office says, “The longer we wait to act, the more dire the consequences will be.” Meanwhile, gold is...
The Federal Reserve is in a dilemma since it may have to print money to service the government debt
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